Writing ‘the Burke did it’ theory (trials and tribulations).

Writing the BDI theory has given me nothing but anguish. I have received criticism, animosity, hate, and threats of a lawsuit. However, my conviction that Burke did it is stronger today than yesterday.

My interest began the day after Christmas, 1996. The news media reported that a six-year-old was bludgeoned to death in her own home. This gruesome news greatly disturbed many people. The inability of the police to solve the crime increased peoples concern and apprehension. The lack of evidence leading to a culprit captivated many people wishing for a resolution.

 News accounts were telling us that the police were incompetent and bungled the case. It soon became clear to me that the DA’s office was working against a solution. The police were capable of solving this crime if it were not for their superiors delaying, interfering, and blocking evidence collection. The DA’s office was deliberately misdirecting the police, forcing them into wasting their time. The police had to travel down many dead-end paths when they knew it was an unproductive use of their time.

Like many others, I began reading everything I could on JonBenét’s death. Everyone was a suspect except Burke. It seemed to me that it was a mistake to exclude him. I became an active participant in Jameson’s blog and WebSleuths. Jameson became upset when I proposed that Burke killed JonBenet and she banned me from posting. 

I was also an active member at www.WebSleuths.com. WebSleuths was another blog pretending to be dedicated to solving the JonBenet case. The WebSleuths’ moderator, Patricia Griffith, didn’t like me saying Burke did it. WebSleuths’ position at the time was that Burke didn’t do it and WebSleuths banned me from participating. To my mind, you can’t solve a crime if you arbitrarily remove suspects that invoke your sympathy.

I wrote the ‘Burke did it’ theory and posted it at the Geocities web-hosting site. When Geocities went out of business, they sold the contents of their website to Reocities and I lost control of my theory.

Prior to Geocities going out of business, the Ramsey’s wrote “The Death of Innocence”. In that book, they criticized my website.  Shortly thereafter, I received an email from a Ramsey family member who was also critical of my website. Then a strange thing happened, that person sent an email to another Ramsey family member and I got a copy of it. Then something really strange happened, I got a copy of his response. Then, I began receiving copies of emails from many other Ramsey family members. I was getting both sides of the conversation.  I was learning a great deal about the Ramsey family. About a month later, the emails suddenly stopped. 

About this time, Nancy Krebs came forward and told about her sexual abuse and a possible connection to John Ramsey. She said that the mob was giving a massive party and needed an expert with a garrote. Nancy said that a friend of John Ramsey was able to bring in from California an expert with a garrote and a young girl to be garroted. That young girl was Nancy Krebs'niece. 

Then, I received an email from the son of a mobster. This man did not want to follow in his father’s footsteps. He was very upset about his father’s description of a party near Denver. That party occurred shortly before Christmas, 1996. This was a gathering of the West-Coast mob. The party’s purpose was to grant everyone’s sexual desire. The party’s organizers provided girls, boys, men and women for the sexual gratification of the party’s attendees.

With new information about the Ramsey Family, Nancy Krebs’s niece, and the Mob’s Christmas party, I believed I knew what happened to JonBenet. I up-dated the BDI theory and move it to the Angelfire.com hosting site. 

Now, people began efforts to silence me. My detractors created a letter-writing campaign to get me to remove my theory from the web. I started receiving a lot of hate mail in my inbox. I did a lot of soul-searching and thought of taking my site down. However, I firmly believed that what I had to say needed saying. I kept the site on the internet. When my detractors were not successful at getting me to remove my site, they came up with another approach. If search engines didn’t list my site, no one could find it. It would be almost the same as removing it. They wrote to various search engines and complained that my site was an injustice to a small child. Most search engines stopped listing my site, but not all.

I started receiving emails from Lin Wood. He said that he had important information for me and he would send it to me if I would send him my mailing address. I knew Lin Wood was the Ramsey’s lawyer. Why did he want my mailing address? What information did he have that I would want? I did not respond and shortly thereafter, I received another email. After his second email, I asked him why he wanted my address. He e-mailed the following —


Mr. Cowan: 

I want your address so that I can have you served with summons and complaint for your libelous website falsely accusing Burke Ramsey of the murder of his sister. I would assume you are perfectly willing to defend your accusations in a court of law. 

If you have any doubt about the authenticity of my e-mail messages to you, please feel free to contact me at my office in Atlanta, 404-522-1713. Thank you. 

L. Lin Wood

I knew he needed to sue for a million dollars to make it worth his while and I had never seen anything close to a million dollars. I believed my poverty made me safe from his lawsuit, but he did tie my stomach into knots. 

Team Ramsey sued The Globe, The Star, the New York Post, Time.com, Court TV, the Windsor House Publishing Group, and detective Steve Thomas. To save money, each settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.  Others that believed Burke did it were under the constant threat of a lawsuit from Lin Wood.  Soon, there was a total void of anyone with money saying Burke killed JonBenét.

For the past ten years, little has been said about Burke. Twenty years after JonBenét’s death, CBS presented a special that said Burke killed JonBenét.  Lin Wood perked up his ears and threatened to sue CBS. This time, I hope the lawsuit will not be settled out of court. I hope for a public hearing where all the evidence will be made available for us to see. If Lin Wood is successful at extracting money from CBS, fear of being sued will give people reason to remain silent and keep ‘the Burke did it’ theories buried.

It appears that the cover-up is ongoing. Therefore, the statute of limitations has not run out and the people involved can still be prosecuted.

Click here for The Burke did it Theory.

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